package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "time" "" "" "" ) func process() { // to support color in Windows following both options are required p := mpb.New( mpb.WithOutput(color.Output), mpb.WithAutoRefresh(), ) red, green := color.New(color.FgRed), color.New(color.FgGreen) fmt.Println("应用更新中...") task := "" queue := make([]*mpb.Bar, 2) queue[0] = p.AddBar(rand.Int63n(201)+100, mpb.PrependDecorators( decor.Name(task, decor.WC{C: decor.DindentRight | decor.DextraSpace}), decor.Name("下载中:", decor.WCSyncSpaceR), decor.CountersNoUnit("%d / %d", decor.WCSyncWidth), ), mpb.AppendDecorators( decor.OnComplete(decor.Percentage(decor.WC{W: 5}), "done"), ), ) queue[1] = p.AddBar(rand.Int63n(101)+100, mpb.BarQueueAfter(queue[0]), // this bar is queued mpb.BarFillerClearOnComplete(), mpb.PrependDecorators( decor.Name(task, decor.WC{C: decor.DindentRight | decor.DextraSpace}), decor.OnCompleteMeta( decor.OnComplete( decor.Meta(decor.Name("安装中:", decor.WCSyncSpaceR), toMetaFunc(red)), "更新完成!", ), toMetaFunc(green), ), decor.OnComplete(decor.EwmaETA(decor.ET_STYLE_MMSS, 0, decor.WCSyncWidth), ""), ), mpb.AppendDecorators( decor.OnComplete(decor.Percentage(decor.WC{W: 5}), ""), ), ) go func() { for _, b := range queue { complete(b) } }() p.Wait() } func complete(bar *mpb.Bar) { max := 100 * time.Millisecond for !bar.Completed() { // start variable is solely for EWMA calculation // EWMA's unit of measure is an iteration's duration start := time.Now() time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(10)+1) * max / 10) // we need to call EwmaIncrement to fulfill ewma decorator's contract bar.EwmaIncrInt64(rand.Int63n(5)+1, time.Since(start)) } } func toMetaFunc(c *color.Color) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return c.Sprint(s) } }